Kenapa semua ini harus terjadi dikeghidupan ku.apakah memang sudah jadi garis kehidupanku,sampai akhir hidupku.ataw memang ini adalah kehidupan,silih bergantinya cobaan.ya allah kuatkan lah hambamu ini dengan segala cobanmu.
Sepertinya aku hidup sebatangkara dengan beban di pundak,entah sampai kapan akan berakhir.rasanya ingin terik kencang tanpa ada penghalang sampaiku puas.apakah itu bisa mengurangi beban di pundaku...ucapanmu selalu menghantui isi otakku,dengan bayang-bayang mampukahku untuk itu semua.......berkali kali ku menarik napas dalam dalam...
Semyumku terhempas agar orang lain tidak mengertaui dengan apa yang aku alami,menjalani aktivitas dengan rasa beban [berat banget untuk itu semua]namun tetap berjalan walau ada sedikit hambatan.
Tapi apakah yang sedang ku pikirkan juga memikirkan aku yah...ato memang aku saja yang terlalu peduli terhadap orang lain.?
Haruskah kupikir hanya untuk diriku n keluarga kecilku,tanpa memikirkan yang orang lain.?tapi aku berpikir,kl hidup bermasarakat tidak bisa hidup Cuma semikirkan sendir dan keluarga kecilnya saja.melainkan harus bermasyarakat.
BROTHER...emang yakin gw bisa bikin orang lain bahagia...kalau pun bisa gimana dengan kehidupan gw di masa depan...?
Ga punya rumah dan tabungan serta bla..bla..bla.....aku manusia normal yang ingin mempunyai ini juga itu...tarik napas dalam tidak dapat ku elakan yang terjadi berulang kali...dan aku berharap allah memberikan aku kekuatan agar aku bisa melewati cobaan ini.....
Aku pasrah dengan apa yang akan terjadi di depan mata,dengan tetep semangat berusaha [dah pusing harus gimana lagi]walau tetep menghantui setiap detik ku..
Ku serahkan pada mu YA ALLAH....cobaan ini datang atas kehendak mu dan berakhir karena mu...
Semoga di berikan kekuatan dan kesehatan untuk menjalani cobaanmu ya allah......
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Passing on opinion or idea to what will make,in a team to yieled from something to pursuant to.Working together to solving this problems from the team there are difference which is one. If U know......Helping me,give ur comment please.
That I kwew much...There no difference beetwen which.Its solid team without difference.Imean the difference designer beetwen drafter.What the difference?”I THINK NOTHING”!!Dont know what they comment, if U think the difference there,what the opinion designer and drafter?
Here.I try to give u choice from my mind only.....
1. Designer, gives some colour and bentuk?,and drafter listening from 3 dimension draw with all[ukuran yg belum pasti]
2. Designer, gives some concept,and drafter solving there problems...
3. Designer, gives some concept,bentuk,colour and so size detail,and drafter drawing with all that.
From the difference,we can know and can chose. What the disigner and drafter is.If designer follow the client,mean... Designer is drafter?..Its really hardest difference. And so... What the difference designer beetwen marketing.
So thanks for my nicly life,give me this problems for my science life.
That I kwew much...There no difference beetwen which.Its solid team without difference.Imean the difference designer beetwen drafter.What the difference?”I THINK NOTHING”!!Dont know what they comment, if U think the difference there,what the opinion designer and drafter?
Here.I try to give u choice from my mind only.....
1. Designer, gives some colour and bentuk?,and drafter listening from 3 dimension draw with all[ukuran yg belum pasti]
2. Designer, gives some concept,and drafter solving there problems...
3. Designer, gives some concept,bentuk,colour and so size detail,and drafter drawing with all that.
From the difference,we can know and can chose. What the disigner and drafter is.If designer follow the client,mean... Designer is drafter?..Its really hardest difference. And so... What the difference designer beetwen marketing.
So thanks for my nicly life,give me this problems for my science life.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mediterania Boulevard (Pantai Indah Kapuk)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
tv cabinet master bedroom(mr.aseng taman palem residence)

Tv cabinet have of minimalis modern nuance,with form of simple box,white colour solidarity (duco white) with melamik fin (brownian coffe) colour and also do not eliminate estetic elements.Which design also waterdown in making realize production.For of end result more maximal,design made with comparison of 1:1.The worker produce is also supplied"guide book" ,containing 3D draw,skets planing draw,and also aditional description of this.Meant by worker to do not estimate form and size measure produce.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
restoran sapo oriental medan
just to kill the time
First time,working with money oriented only,time had to go I try to thinking much...not only get money perhaps?but its real searching mind satisfaction.
Making something competent and best ressult with all my skill,goodness,know,and much...
In this case... my rendering or design detail not really nice perhaps,if in comparasion with my own friends.But I thing it only my sleps of studying to be best.Always feel low prodile with all mine is my keyguard to be "me".
So...if all that do with all maximality skill. I think u will get that my result job with Mr ayang "Design+" Sapo Oriental Resto Medan.One of restowhit oriental nounce.The design appearance with wood. Material naturally cultur.Red colour is dominates this image,cos red is one of china cultur colour, many think design pendukung like form of china lamp or lampion.
thats my karya, I worked by self with hope to be somethink nice,and make image chances money,hahaha...Never afraid to show who U are,to snow what U had,to show what U can,show what U ever worked,to show what U ever learn cos...all that I...someday that will give U point plus and somethin.
Making something competent and best ressult with all my skill,goodness,know,and much...
In this case... my rendering or design detail not really nice perhaps,if in comparasion with my own friends.But I thing it only my sleps of studying to be best.Always feel low prodile with all mine is my keyguard to be "me".
So...if all that do with all maximality skill. I think u will get that my result job with Mr ayang "Design+" Sapo Oriental Resto Medan.One of restowhit oriental nounce.The design appearance with wood. Material naturally cultur.Red colour is dominates this image,cos red is one of china cultur colour, many think design pendukung like form of china lamp or lampion.
thats my karya, I worked by self with hope to be somethink nice,and make image chances money,hahaha...Never afraid to show who U are,to snow what U had,to show what U can,show what U ever worked,to show what U ever learn cos...all that I...someday that will give U point plus and somethin.
Everybody is different from all dailly,style of all or what ever.But lets we try to thinking about "taste"[in this case...I say Interior?]how we show to everybody about it?how we declare the design withhout make eveybody ask more... I'm not teacher with much teory and...[like my friend "aki2"...he always give me some teory...Until make me drowsy sometimes...hehe..]Its just enjoyable talk...but it is blessing a disguise for our.But...Why the different be"hardest line"here?why everybody always see someone from he/she style...Where as someone nechis,can't make/show somethin perfect.I surrelly what I do.Step by step,everybody there will know who am I from my result work,from my original talk,from my mind,so from my blog...Hope so...Hehehe... something"nothing"will be"something"If we making that with "taste".So...The taste will come from heart and thinking...If we can feel what the"something"is,also we can think what would be something is.the example...Our body...If the body takes nicely food ,so the body can do much and mind can thinking much too...Cos the food is like "premium"in the motorcyle...Our is what we eat.
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