Monday, February 23, 2009


Passing on opinion or idea to what will make,in a team to yieled from something to pursuant to.Working together to solving this problems from the team there are difference which is one. If U know......Helping me,give ur comment please.
That I kwew much...There no difference beetwen which.Its solid team without difference.Imean the difference designer beetwen drafter.What the difference?”I THINK NOTHING”!!Dont know what they comment, if U think the difference there,what the opinion designer and drafter?
Here.I try to give u choice from my mind only.....

1. Designer, gives some colour and bentuk?,and drafter listening from 3 dimension draw with all[ukuran yg belum pasti]
2. Designer, gives some concept,and drafter solving there problems...
3. Designer, gives some concept,bentuk,colour and so size detail,and drafter drawing with all that.

From the difference,we can know and can chose. What the disigner and drafter is.If designer follow the client,mean... Designer is drafter?..Its really hardest difference. And so... What the difference designer beetwen marketing.
So thanks for my nicly life,give me this problems for my science life.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

mr.kartono irwan

lokasi ,medan

mr.kartono irwan

konsep desain,modern [living room]

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mediterania Boulevard (Pantai Indah Kapuk)

konsep design modern pada kamar anak perempuan yang bernuansa klin.

Mediterania Boulevard (Pantai Indah Kapuk)

konsep design modern cabinet pada kamar anak laki

Mediterania Boulevard (Pantai Indah Kapuk)

konsep design modern minimalis pada kamar anak laki.

Mediterania Boulevard (Pantai Indah Kapuk)

konsep desain master bedroom,klasik dengan penggunaan furniture davinci yg di iringi dengan perpaduan warna berat(klasik)
[coleksi A2B dan Design +]

Thursday, February 5, 2009

tv cabinet master bedroom(mr.aseng taman palem residence)

Tv cabinet have of minimalis modern nuance,with form of simple box,white colour solidarity (duco white) with melamik fin (brownian coffe) colour and also do not eliminate estetic elements.Which design also waterdown in making realize production.For of end result more maximal,design made with comparison of 1:1.The worker produce is also supplied"guide book" ,containing 3D draw,skets planing draw,and also aditional description of this.Meant by worker to do not estimate form and size measure produce.